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  • 2022 COATD Learning Technology and Design Day

2022 COATD Learning Technology and Design Day

  • 20 Sep 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Quest Conference Center, 9200 Worthington Rd, Westerville OH 43081
  • 40


  • Registration Code Required. Are you a member of another regional ATD chapter. Email for code and indicate the regional chapter you belong to.
  • Registration Code Required. Are you a member of another regional ATD chapter. Email for code and indicate the regional chapter you belong to.
  • 25% off conference registration
  • This registration type is for Conference Planning Committee Registration. Registration Code is Required.
  • Bring up to 5 team members for one price. ($100 per person.)

Registration has closed.  If you would still like to attend the event, please email for consideration.

COATD is proud to present our annual conference filled with learning trends and new ideas to develop and design learning solutions with technology. We will be returning to the Quest Conference Center. 

We are pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker this year,  Dr. Dorothy "Gail" Frankle, Chair of the Doctor of Health Administration program at Franklin University.

As the CEO of Together Providing Hope, Dr. Gail Frankle is a highly sought-after, executive, mentor, coach, trainer, speaker and educator. Gail has over 35+ years of Healthcare Experience starting as a Trauma ICU Nurse to C-Suite - Transplant. She is skilled in program development, process management, education, coaching and brain health helping individuals and teams to discover and leverage their strengths and be they're best with personally and professionally. Her career has focused on the development, marketing and management of innovative, emergent and expanding programs for community and academic health systems as well as Leadership development both personally and on a team level. She is passionate Mental Health Advocate working with individuals as a Certified Brain Health Coach with the Amen Clinics.

Dr. Frankle's keynote presentation is entitled: 

Who and What are you FOR - Its Connection to Self-Care.

Dr. Frankle invites you to lean in as she encourages and equips you to live your life and work rooted in a purpose beyond yourself. She has spent her life and career helping others from her her staff, students, patients, families and colleagues to find their passion and live their best lives. You will be encouraged to not only care for and love the people you work with but also to care for yourself. You are the one that is often forgotten in the craziness of everyday life and demands. You cannot pour into others from an empty cup. You will reflect on who you want to be known and what you want to be known for while learning easy steps to self care and the best you..

Here is a message from Dr. Frankle:  


Breakout Sessions:

  • Taking Flight:  Highway to the Performance Zone - Cara North
  • Why Microlearning Fails - Dawn Snyder
  • Develop Better Strategies in Preparation and Execution with Audiences of All Kind - Jason Pugh, Ph.D.
  • Microlearning to the Rescue:  Your 9 Step Rapid Framework to Success - Shannon Tipton
  • Accessibility:  Crafting Alt text to Meet WCAG Success Criteria 1.1.1 - Michelle Jackson
  • The DFS Learning Guild:  A Case Study in Breaking Down Organization Silos - Tracy Shroyer and Nathan Coey
  • Enhance You Learning Tech Stack - Joe Suarez
  • Do You Have the Best Tech for YOUR Learning Goals?  Audit your EdTech to Maximize Results - Beth Ferrigno 
  • Choose Everyone's Adventure: Elevate Your Organization by Hosting Your Own Professional Development Conference - Tiffany Herron & Carrie Beare
  • Next Level Presentations:  Things You Didn't Know PowerPoint Could Do - Sarah Gillam
  • Case Study:  Setting UP and AR and VR Infrastructure for a Large Organization - Matt Kurtin
  • Gamification:  Responsible Usage for Learning and Behavior - Jolli Jolivette

Thank you to our conference Sponsors:


Also, conference attendees will receive complimentary access to the accel5 by EBSCO platform until the end of the year!

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